Faster, more accurate and more economical than traditional methods.

Field design / tree control
Plant your groves by gathering existing field data, creating a field design, and marking tree placement. The process is faster, more accurate and more economical than traditional methods.
Farm and FIeld application design
for maximum use of your property.
Plant your groves by gathering existing field data, creating
a field design, and marking tree placement. The process is faster, more accurate and more economical than traditional methods.
Each marked
spot is given
it’s own
GPS address,
which makes
annual tree
much easier.
We can mark up to 10,000 spots per day.
Less expensive than traditional tree marking.
We will design your farm or field for maximum use.
Every tree planted has its own GPS address.
With precision maps, annual inventory is a breeze.
Irrigation, specialty crops and many more.
Our Tree Control System can help you plant your groves by gathering existing field data, creating a field design, and marking tree placement. The process is faster, more accurate and more economical than traditional methods. After mapping the entire field, our Geographic Information Systems (GIS) team will use the information gathered to design your grove for maximum use of the property. Every tree planted has its own GPS address, which is useful for future needs like tree inventory and prescription spraying and fertilizing.
Ag Technologies started our permanent crop efforts years ago helping blueberry farmers with more accurate field layout so that they could perform better maintenance and harvest practices throughout the growing season. We have since taken that experience and started working with our citrus growers throughout South Florida in order to help them better design and lay out their citrus groves.
Have Questions
about our Tree Control?
We’re here to help and a precision agriculture specialist will contact you about your project.
Please fill out the form and one of our specialists will contact you within one business day to find out how we can serve you.